(129 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Riadok 11: Riadok 11:
** Algorithms and data structures
** Algorithms and data structures
* Hopefully will not be boring
* Hopefully will not be boring
* [https://www.tapirgames.com/blog/open-source-physics-engines List of Open Source Physics Engines]
== Student Animation Projects ==
== Student Animation Projects ==
* Stránka [http://animation.6f.sk/ Tvrdý Oriešok pre Vranu] Animácia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AMtjwhLEEg Vrana]
* Animácia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1wR1LN_fU4 Hunger]
* [http://www.st.fmph.uniba.sk/~rohleder1/anim/ Slimák] Animácia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1wR1LN_fU4 Hunger]
* Stránka [http://davinci.fmph.uniba.sk/~dobsovicova10/spider/ Catching Spider] Animácia [http://davinci.fmph.uniba.sk/~dobsovicova10/spider/videos/final.mp4 Catching Spider]
* Stránka [http://ukapra.php5.sk/index.php?id=proj-mmca Ráno do práce]
* Stránka [http://ukapra.php5.sk/index.php?id=proj-mmca Ráno do práce] Animácia [https://youtu.be/YBBsxdUXDPI Ráno do práce]
* Stránka [http://amigo.sk/www/kiwi/ Kiwi] Animácia [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFqMc8JZPA8 KiWi]
* Animácia [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXXa0C74IJk&feature=youtu.be Knihy]
* Animácia [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXXa0C74IJk&feature=youtu.be Knihy]
* Stránka [http://animation.6f.sk/ Tvrdý Oriešok pre Vranu] Animácia [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AMtjwhLEEg Vrana]
== D-E-A-D-L-I-N-E-S ==
* Animators team (Axx): <b>deadline 12.12.2016 the last lecture</b>
** Show your animation, how far have you made it. It should be 30% of the work done, otherwise your team gets Fx.  
* Coders team (Cxx): <b>deadline 14.12.2016 the last exercise</b>
** Show the short DEMO of your project, how far have you made it. It should be 30% of the work done, otherwise your team gets Fx.
* Coders team (Cxx): <b>deadline 26.1.2017</b>
** Create a web page where you write your progress, upload source code, executable, images description of your project and short manual.
**Send link to finished application (zipped source + executable.)
**Your code should be well formatted and commented. Titles of functions, classes, variables should be representative for their purpose.
** If you send it earlier you can get feedback how to improve your application
* Animators team (Axx): <b>deadline 26.1.2017</b>
** Create a web page where you write your progress, upload animation, source of animation, images description of your project and describe all physical effects to be evaluated.  
** Upload your animation video on youtube (or some alternative online service) 
** Send link to your webpage
** If you send it earlier you can get feedback how to improve your animation
* Oral/written exam (optional): <b>deadline 16.1.2017, 8:00, classroom A</b>
** Instead of (optional) oral exam, you can get (0..+20) points due to a written exam.
** It will be similar to final term, but less complicated.
== What you Need to Pass ==
== What you Need to Pass ==
* Attend lessons. All lessons attended is +0 points. Four and more missed is Fx.
* Attend lessons. All lessons attended is +0 points. Four and more lectures missed you missed the course Fx.
* Show your project (mandatory, 60 points). See later.
* Solve all homework problems (mandatory each one >=30%, 60 points). All homework assignments must be solved in Wolfram Mathematica or the online version of Wolfram Cloud. Submit the assignment solutions to MS Teams.  
* Solve all homework problems as a teamwork (mandatory each one >=30%, 40 points)
* Pass written Final term exam (mandatory each one >=30%, 30 points), no retakes. Realtime problem solution in Wolfram Mathematica or Wolfram Cloud.
* Pass oral/written exam: (optional, +0 .. +20 points) If you feel you are better, convince me ! You can get +20 points max.
* Pass oral/written exam: (optional, +0 .. +20 points) If you feel you are better, convince me ! You can get +20 points max.
* Summary
* Summary
** Attendance = +0 or -100 (Fx)
** Attendance = +0 or -100 (or Fx)
** Homework = +40..+12 or 12..0 (Fx)
** Homework = +60..+18 or 12..0 (or Fx)
** Project = +60..0  
** Excercises = +10..0
** Oral/written exam optional = +20..0
** Final term = (better than Fx) +30..0  
** Optional oral exam = +20..0
* Grades
* Grades '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B2fa99297nNubCfQ4j13TlsTsYGTqJGEcrITgVFSTRA/edit?usp=sharing RESULTS]'''
** A = 92-100
** A = 92-100, B = 84-91, C = 76-83, D = 68-75, E = 60-67, Fx = 0-59
** B = 84-91
** C = 76-83
** D = 68-75
** E = 60-67
** Fx = 0-59
* '''[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gdMzL_WrW5aVCwVK2jwBoCi_Cb5Bl0DFsRvA5rWCok0/edit?usp=sharing VIEW RESULTS]'''
* Register online to MS Teams [https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a09e9527680ca40ef8a336492c5749111%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=54138d27-ced4-46a6-99cc-cb7510664011&tenantId=ce31478d-6e7a-4ce7-8670-a5b9d51884f9 Teams] Teams code: 1himkdt 
=== Oral Examination ===
=== Oral / Written Examination ===
To the oral examination all the above requirements must be SATISFACTORILY completed.  
To the oral examination, all the above requirements must be SATISFACTORILY completed. '''[https://moodle.uniba.sk/course/view.php?id=2165 Moodle ]'''
== How to Arrange your Project ==
<!--== Project Deadlines ==
* Animators team (Axx): <b>deadline 16.12.2019 the last lecture</b>
** Show your animation, how far have you made it. Paste the screen capture with your explanation and demo on the webpage. It should be 30% of the work done, otherwise, your team gets Fx.
* Coders team (Cxx): <b>deadline 16.12.2019 the last lecture</b>
** Show the short DEMO of your project, how far have you made it. Paste the screen capture with your explanation and demo on the webpage. It should be 30% of the work done, otherwise, your team gets Fx.
<!--== How to Arrange your Project ==
* Take 1 friend and Team up
* Take 1 friend and Team up
* Role1: The Coder
* Role1: The Coder Team
** Choose a given animation algorithm
** Choose a given animation algorithm
** Code up hot demo app and show it
** Code up hot demo app and show it
** Present a selected research paper
** Present a selected research paper or tutorial
* Role2: The Artist
** Choose some authoring tool and create hot physically based demo reel
** Present a selected research paper
** Prepare a written report, at least 2 A4 pages, on the topic of state exam question.
** Prepare a written report, at least 2 A4 pages, on the topic of state exam question.
* Projects with minimal requirements: [[media:Projects.pdf|Projects.pdf]]
* Role2: The Artist Team
** Choose some authoring tool
* Teams fill the '''[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cmkhT3KXUOg9ar7Yh8Dd1mwCK8uUo0-Xso_Rctxco7g/edit form]''' (names and project): <b>deadline 3.10.2016</b> Submit a link to created web page with project description or animation story board where you write your progress, continually.
** Create hot physically based demo reel
** Present a selected research paper or tutorial
** Prepare a written report, at least 2 A4 pages, on the topic of state exam question.
* Projects with minimal requirements: [[media:project-list.pdf|project-list.pdf]]
* Teams fill the '''[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TWG8CtpKxCbjv88El76J3HzWgVuTal_4r6SH0ez4mCk/edit form]''' (names and project): <b>deadline 1.10.</b> Submit a link to created web page with project description or animation story board where you write your progress, continually.
Riadok 90: Riadok 75:
* "Terms and conditions" of this lecture
* "Terms and conditions" of this lecture
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson01.pdf|lesson01.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson01.pdf|lesson01.pdf]]
* Ask '''[http:// www.slido.com/ questions]''' during lecture with code: '''#2378'''.
Riadok 103: Riadok 87:
* (Motion capture)
* (Motion capture)
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson02.pdf|lesson02.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson02.pdf|lesson02.pdf]]
* Štátnicová téma: S1 Animácie pohybu a orientácie, interpolačný spline na animáciu pohybu, splinu podľa dĺžky krivky, quaternion a orientácia, interpolácie dvoch a viacerých quaternionov.
* State examination: S1 Animácie pohybu a orientácie, nearest neighbor, lineárna interpolácia, interpolačný spline na animáciu pohybu, Kubická Bézierova interpolačná krivka, C1 spojitosť kompozície kriviek.
* State examination: S2 Quaternion a orientácia, os rotácie a uhol, reprezentácia quaterniónom, rotácia v priestore pomocou quaterniónov, inverzný quaternión, kompozícia rotácie dvoch quaterniónov, interpolácia SLERP (Sférická lineárna interpolácia), interpolácie dvoch a viacerých quaternionov, Catmull-Rom interpolácia.
Riadok 114: Riadok 99:
* Demos / tools / libs
* Demos / tools / libs
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson03.pdf|lesson03.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson03.pdf|lesson03.pdf]]
* Štátnicová téma: S2 Numerické riešenie diferenciálnych rovníc, Eulerova metóda, MidPoint metóda, Runge-Kuta metóda, podmienka stability na voľbu časového kroku, sily odozvy (response forces).
* State examination: S4 Numerické riešenie diferenciálnych rovníc, ODE prvého rádu separovateľné, Rovnice pohybu prvého rádu rýchlosť, zrýchlenie, Eulerova metóda, MidPoint metóda, Runge-Kuta metóda, podmienka stability na voľbu časového kroku.
Riadok 127: Riadok 112:
* Demos / tools / libs
* Demos / tools / libs
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson04.pdf|lesson04.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson04.pdf|lesson04.pdf]]
* Štátnicová téma (Lesson 3,4): S3 Časticové systémy, rovnice pohybu prvého rádu, integračné metódy na výpočet rýchlosti a pozície,  stavový vektor systému, vonkajšie sily, obmedzujúce podmienky – constraints, sily odozvy,  kolízie častica - rovina.
Riadok 139: Riadok 123:
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson05.pdf|lesson05.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson05.pdf|lesson05.pdf]]
<!--* Assigment 3: [[media:ca10_assigmentlesson05.pdf|assigment3.pdf]]-->
<!--* Assigment 3: [[media:ca10_assigmentlesson05.pdf|assigment3.pdf]]-->
=== Lesson "All Saints' Day (no lesson)" ===
=== Lesson "All Saints' Day (no lesson)" ===
Riadok 168: Riadok 151:
* Demos / tools / libs
* Demos / tools / libs
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson07.pdf|lesson07.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson07.pdf|lesson07.pdf]]
* Štátnicová téma (Lesson 5,6,7): S4 Detekcie kolízie, nutná a postačujúca podmienka kedy nie sú dve telesá v rovina, broad phase (hierachycká mriežka), mid phase (hierarchie obálok, Voronoiove oblasti v kolízii, vysvetlujte na príklade kolízie gula x kapsula, dekompozícia telesa na konvexné časti), narrow phase (Minkowskeho priestor a blízkosť konvexných telies).
* State examination (Lesson 5,6,7): S3 Detekcie kolízie, nutná a postačujúca podmienka kedy nie sú dve telesá v kolízii, deliaca rovina, broad phase (hierachycká mriežka), mid phase (hierarchie obálok, Voronoiove oblasti v kolízii, vysvetlujte na príklade kolízie gula x kapsula, dekompozícia telesa na konvexné časti), narrow phase (Minkowskeho priestor a blízkosť konvexných telies).
Riadok 180: Riadok 163:
* Demos / tools / libs
* Demos / tools / libs
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson08.pdf|lesson08.pdf]]
* Lecture notes: [[media:ca15_lesson08.pdf|lesson08.pdf]]
* Štátnicová téma (Lesson 9): S5 Dynamika tuhých telies, definícia problému, rovnice pohybu (4 ODE), rýchlosť, zrýchlenie, uhľová rýchlosť a uhľové zrýchlenie, matica hybnosti (matica inercie).
* State examination (Lesson 9): S5 Dynamika tuhých telies, definícia problému, Pozícia, ťažisko a orientácia telesa, rovnice pohybu (4 ODE), rýchlosť, zrýchlenie, uhľová rýchlosť a uhľové zrýchlenie, matica hybnosti (matica inercie) matica hybnosti pre guľu, pevný kváder, posunutý kváder.
Riadok 210: Riadok 193:
* Don't panic - just few simple questions
* Don't panic - just few simple questions
=== Lesson12 "Animation Show" ===
* Show your animation to your colleagues
Riadok 220: Riadok 199:
*On every seminar we will focus on the selected problems from lessons. We will use the numerical methods to solve specific problems.
*On every seminar we will focus on the selected problems from lessons. We will use the numerical methods to solve specific problems.
=== Excercise01 "Key Framing” ===
=== Excercise00 "Key Framing” ===
* '''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFFhgutjZQk Blender demo]'''
* '''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFFhgutjZQk Blender demo]'''
* Blender https://www.blender.org/
* Blender https://www.blender.org/
** Blender tutorial for skeleton modelling http://blender.freemovies.co.uk/stickman/
** rigging https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJwWTKt12ak
** motion capture database https://sites.google.com/a/cgspeed.com/cgspeed/motion-capture/daz-friendly-release
=== Excercise01 "Introductions” ===
* Vectors
** https://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/Lists.html#2534
* Matrices
* Linear interpolation
<!--*WOLFRAM DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM [https://develop.open.wolframcloud.com/app/]-->
*WOLFRAM NOTEBOOK [https://www.wolfram.com/notebooks/]
* https://www.wolfram.com/language/fast-introduction-for-programmers/en/interactive-usage/
=== Excercise02 "Quaternion Interpolation” ===
=== Excercise02 "Quaternion Interpolation” ===
* Assigment
* Assigment
**[[media:uloha1.pdf|uloha1.pdf]] (deadline 8.10.)
**[[media:uloha1C.pdf|uloha1.pdf]] (deadline see Attendance table)
* Euler angles
* Complex numbers and rotations
* Blender tutorial for skeleton modelling
** rigging https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJwWTKt12ak
=== Excercise03 "Differential Equations” ===
=== Excercise03 "Differential Equations” ===
* Analitical solution of ODE
* Analitical solution of ODE
* Runge-Kuta method
* Runge-Kuta method
* Assigment
* Assigment
**[[media:uloha2.pdf|uloha2.pdf]] (deadline 22.10.)
**[[media:uloha_dif_rov.pdf|uloha_dif_rov.pdf]] (deadline see Attendance table)
***[[Media:Diferencialne rovnice.pdf|diferencialne_rovnice.pdf]]
* Wolfram Mathematica http://mathworld.wolfram.com/
* Wolfram Mathematica https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/NDSolve.html
* FreeMat http://freemat.sourceforge.net/index.html
* FreeMat http://freemat.sourceforge.net/index.html
* Matlab tutorial http://www.tutorialspoint.com/matlab/index.htm
* Matlab tutorial http://www.tutorialspoint.com/matlab/index.htm
* Online Octave https://octave-online.net/
=== Excercise04 "Position based Dynamics” ===
=== Excercise04 "Position based Dynamics” ===
Riadok 250: Riadok 264:
***[[media:Position based Dynamics.pdf|Position based Dynamics.pdf]]
***[[media:Position based Dynamics.pdf|Position based Dynamics.pdf]]
* Assigment
* Assigment
**prepare presentation (deadline 29.10.)
**prepare presentation (deadline see Attendance table)
=== Excercise05 "Particles” ===
=== Excercise05 "Particles” ===
Riadok 258: Riadok 275:
=== Excercise06 "STAR reports” ===
=== Excercise06 "STAR reports” ===
*STAR reports and paper presentations
*STAR reports and paper presentations
Riadok 263: Riadok 281:
=== Excercise06 "Collision Detection" ===
*GJK Algorithm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajv46BSqcK4
=== Excercise07 "Separating Axis Theorem” ===
=== Excercise07 "Separating Axis Theorem” ===
*Principal Components Analysis
*Principal Components Analysis
* Assigment
* Assigment
**[[media:uloha3.pdf|uloha3.pdf]] (deadline 26.11.)
**Uloha_SAT on MS Teams (deadline see Attendance table)
=== Excercise08 "Rigid body Dynamics” ===
*Rigid body Dynamics
* Assigment
**[[media:domaca-uloha-4.pdf|domaca-uloha.pdf]] (deadline see Attendance table)
*Roman Ďurikovič, Vladimír Ďurikovič. Numerical Mathematics for Computer Science (in Slovak Numerická matematika pre informatika, Riešené príklady v programe MATHEMATICA).  ISBN 978-80-8105-271-2, University of Saint Cyril and Metod Press, Trnava, Slovakia, pages 162, 2011. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256681458_Numerick_matematika_pre_informatika_Rieen_prklady_v_programe_MATHEMATICA
*Roman Ďurikovič, Vladimír Ďurikovič. Numerical Mathematics for Computer Science (in Slovak Numerická matematika pre informatika, Riešené príklady v programe MATHEMATICA).  ISBN 978-80-8105-271-2, University of Saint Cyril and Metod Press, Trnava, Slovakia, pages 162, 2011. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256681458_Numerick_matematika_pre_informatika_Rieen_prklady_v_programe_MATHEMATICA

Aktuálna revízia z 12:47, 22. august 2024

Ca10 lesson01.png

Physical based Animations and Mathematical Modelling (Course Materials)

This lecture ...

  • Will focus on simulating natural phenomena
  • Will show you what are current topics
  • Will improve your skills in
    • Newtonian physics
    • Computational geometry
    • Algorithms and data structures
  • Hopefully will not be boring
  • List of Open Source Physics Engines

Student Animation Projects

What you Need to Pass

  • Attend lessons. All lessons attended is +0 points. Four and more lectures missed you missed the course Fx.
  • Solve all homework problems (mandatory each one >=30%, 60 points). All homework assignments must be solved in Wolfram Mathematica or the online version of Wolfram Cloud. Submit the assignment solutions to MS Teams.
  • Pass written Final term exam (mandatory each one >=30%, 30 points), no retakes. Realtime problem solution in Wolfram Mathematica or Wolfram Cloud.
  • Pass oral/written exam: (optional, +0 .. +20 points) If you feel you are better, convince me ! You can get +20 points max.
  • Summary
    • Attendance = +0 or -100 (or Fx)
    • Homework = +60..+18 or 12..0 (or Fx)
    • Excercises = +10..0
    • Final term = (better than Fx) +30..0
    • Optional oral exam = +20..0
  • Grades RESULTS
    • A = 92-100, B = 84-91, C = 76-83, D = 68-75, E = 60-67, Fx = 0-59
  • Register online to MS Teams Teams Teams code: 1himkdt

Oral / Written Examination

To the oral examination, all the above requirements must be SATISFACTORILY completed. Moodle

Lesson01 "Introduction to Computer Animation"

Ca10 lesson01.png

  • Introduction to Computer Animation
  • Common animation techniques
  • Cutting edge tools and packages
  • Gurus and the State of the Art
  • Lecture schedule
  • "Terms and conditions" of this lecture
  • Lecture notes: lesson01.pdf

Lesson02 "Basic methods in Computer Animation"

Ca10 lesson02.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Key-framing and parameter interpolation
  • Quternions, orientation
  • Skeleton and skinning animation
  • Forward and inverse kinematics
  • Procedural techniques
  • (Motion capture)
  • Lecture notes: lesson02.pdf
  • State examination: S1 Animácie pohybu a orientácie, nearest neighbor, lineárna interpolácia, interpolačný spline na animáciu pohybu, Kubická Bézierova interpolačná krivka, C1 spojitosť kompozície kriviek.
  • State examination: S2 Quaternion a orientácia, os rotácie a uhol, reprezentácia quaterniónom, rotácia v priestore pomocou quaterniónov, inverzný quaternión, kompozícia rotácie dvoch quaterniónov, interpolácia SLERP (Sférická lineárna interpolácia), interpolácie dvoch a viacerých quaternionov, Catmull-Rom interpolácia.

Lesson03 "Particle Systems"

Ca10 lesson03.png

  • Newton dynamics of particles
  • Ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver
  • Particle - obstacle collision detection
  • Practical design of particle system
  • Demos / tools / libs
  • Lecture notes: lesson03.pdf
  • State examination: S4 Numerické riešenie diferenciálnych rovníc, ODE prvého rádu separovateľné, Rovnice pohybu prvého rádu rýchlosť, zrýchlenie, Eulerova metóda, MidPoint metóda, Runge-Kuta metóda, podmienka stability na voľbu časového kroku.

Lesson04 "Soft bodies, Cloths and hair”

Ca10 lesson11.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Modeling solids with stress and strain
  • Extending Mass-spring model for cloth and ropes
  • Massive (self) collision and resolution for cloths
  • Mesh-less deformations
  • Modeling solids with infinitely stiff springs
  • Demos / tools / libs
  • Lecture notes: lesson04.pdf

Lesson05 "Broad Phase Collision Detection"

Ca10 lesson04.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Hierarchical grids and spatial hashing
  • Sweep and prune and radix sort
  • Pair management – a practical guide
  • Demos / tools / libs
  • Lecture notes: lesson05.pdf

Lesson "All Saints' Day (no lesson)"

Ca10 lesson07.png

  • No lesson

Lesson06 "Mid Phase Collision Detection"

Ca10 lesson05.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Generic Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH)
  • Tandem BVH traversal
  • Proximity evaluation of primitive geometries
    • External Voronoi regions
    • Sphere x Capsule x Box x triangle collisions
  • Approximate convex decomposition
  • Lecture notes: lesson06.pdf

Lesson07 "Narrow Phase Collision Detection"

Ca10 lesson06.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Proximity queries for convex objects (Minkowski space)
  • GJK based algorithms (GJK, EPA, ISA-GJK)
  • Voronoi-Clip (V-Clip) Algorithm
  • Signed Distance Maps for collision detection
  • Demos / tools / libs
  • Lecture notes: lesson07.pdf
  • State examination (Lesson 5,6,7): S3 Detekcie kolízie, nutná a postačujúca podmienka kedy nie sú dve telesá v kolízii, deliaca rovina, broad phase (hierachycká mriežka), mid phase (hierarchie obálok, Voronoiove oblasti v kolízii, vysvetlujte na príklade kolízie gula x kapsula, dekompozícia telesa na konvexné časti), narrow phase (Minkowskeho priestor a blízkosť konvexných telies).

Lesson08 "Rigid body Dynamics”

Ca10 lesson08.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Dynamics of rigid bodies
  • The equation of unconstrained motion (ODE)
  • User and time control
  • Mass properties of polyhedral objects
  • Demos / tools / libs
  • Lecture notes: lesson08.pdf
  • State examination (Lesson 9): S5 Dynamika tuhých telies, definícia problému, Pozícia, ťažisko a orientácia telesa, rovnice pohybu (4 ODE), rýchlosť, zrýchlenie, uhľová rýchlosť a uhľové zrýchlenie, matica hybnosti (matica inercie) matica hybnosti pre guľu, pevný kváder, posunutý kváder.

Lesson09 "Rigid body Collisions and Joints”

Ca10 lesson09.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Simplified collision model
  • Impulse based collision equation
  • Friction-less collision resolution
  • Algebraic collision resolution for Coulomb friction
  • Linear and angular joint formulations
  • Demos / tools / libs
  • Lecture notes:lesson09.pdf

Lesson10 "Fluid, Fire and Smoke”

Ca10 lesson10.png

  • Problem definition and motivations
  • Navier-Stokes equations for fluid dynamics
  • Grid based MAC method
  • Particle based SPH method
  • Neighbor search for coupled particles
  • Modeling smoke and fire with fluid
  • Demos / tools / libs
  • Lecture notes: lesson10.pdf

Lesson11 "Final term"

Ca10 lesson12.png

  • Don't panic - just few simple questions


  • Your presence at the seminar is optional.
  • On every seminar we will focus on the selected problems from lessons. We will use the numerical methods to solve specific problems.

Excercise01 "Introductions”

Excercise02 "Quaternion Interpolation”

Excercise03 "Differential Equations”

Excercise04 "Position based Dynamics”

Excercise05 "Particles”

Excercise06 "Collision Detection"

Excercise07 "Separating Axis Theorem”

Excercise08 "Rigid body Dynamics”

  • Rigid body Dynamics