Cg2 2014.png

Advanced Computer Graphics

What you Need to Pass

  • Attend lessons. One missed +0 points. 2 missed 0 points, 3 missed 0 points, 4 and more is Fx.
  • Project and exercise (mandatory, 10+50 points).
  • Solve all homework problems (mandatory each one >=30%, 10 points)
  • Pass final term (mandatory, 20 points) You will need to solve several problems discussed during lessons.
  • Pass oral/written exam: (mandatory, +20 points)
  • Summary
    • Attendance = 0 or -100 (Fx)
    • Exercise = +50..0
    • Bonus = +10..0 (optional)
    • Homework = +10..4 or +4..0 (Fx)
    • Final term = +20..0
    • Oral/written exam = +20..0
  • Grades
   A = 92-100
   B = 84-91
   C = 76-83
   D = 68-75
   E = 60-67
   Fx = 0-59
  • Final Term by Mooddle Electronic test 13.5 12:20 in M-V)
  • Before the test exam you can try to solve many tests from the graphics page, is you can pass the example test then you have big chance to pass the test exam.
  • Schedule
    • Mon (12:20) - Room M-V (lecture)
    • Str (9:50) - Room I-H3 (seminar)

Materials to read

Lecture00 "Introduction to Computer Graphics"

  • Computer Graphics Applications

Lecture01 "Graphics Pipeline"

  • What is The Graphics Pipeline
  • Vertex Shader
  • Primitive Assembly
  • Tessellation Shaders
  • Geometry Shader
  • Geometry Postprocessing and Rasterization
  • Fragment Shader
  • Frame Buffer Operations
  • Lecture notes: lesson00.pdf [1]
  • Štátnicová téma: Zobrazovací kanál. Grafická pipeline moderného hardvéru, framebuffer, buffer objekty, používané súradnicové priestory, druhy shader programov, druhy optimalizačných techník (view frustum, occlusion, backface culling), príklad shader programov.

Lecture02 "Ray Tracing 1."

Lecture03 "Ray Tracing 2."

Lecture04 "Ray Tracing 3."

  • Ray Tracing Acceleration
  • Data structure: grids, BVH, Kd-tree, Directional Partitioning
  • Dynamic Scenes
  • Beam and Cone Tracing
  • Packet Tracing
  • Lecture notes: lesson02.pdf
  • Poznámky v Slovenčine k téme Dátové Štruktúry a Kd-tree.
  • Štátnicová téma: Kanál metódy sledovania lúča a porovnanie s Radiosity metódou. (definícia lúča, definícia tieňového lúča, popis metódy sledovania lúča, generovanie lúča, pochod po lúči (ray traversal), prienik lúča s trojuholníkom, stromová štruktúra lúčov (ray tree) a jej použitie na výpočet lokálnej farby, problém presnosti priesečníkov). Metóda sledovania lúča na GPU, urýchľovacie techniky.

Lecture05 "Light Trasport."

  • Physics behind ray tracing
  • Physical light quantities
  • Visual perception of light
  • Light sources
  • Light transport simulation: Rendering Equation
  • Lecture notes: lesson05.pdf
  • Štátnicová téma: Fyzikálny osvetlovací model a výpočet farieb renderovacou rovnicou. (definícia radiancie, definícia BRDF a jej vlastnosti, fyzikálne BRDF Cook-Tarrance, definícia priestorového uhlu, napíšte renderovaciu rovnicu a vysvetlite jej členy).

Lecture06 "Radiosity."

  • Diffuse reflectance function
  • Radiative equilibrium between emission and absorption, escape
  • System of linear equations
  • Iterative solution Neuman series
  • Lecture notes: lesson05.pdf
  • Boo chapter Shading: shading.pdf

Lecture07 "BRDF."

  • Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)
  • Reflection models
  • Projection onto spherical basis functions
  • Shading Phong model, Blin-Phong model
  • Lecture notes: lesson07.pdf
  • Homework:
    • 1. Prove that the specular BRDF from slides less07 fulfills the BRDF properties: reciprocity, energy conservation, definit space, value space of BRDF
    • 2. Derive the equation for refracted direction Omega_r from shading document in section 6.3.3.
  • Physical BRDF
  • Ward Reflection Model
  • Cook-Torrance model
  • Lecture notes: lesson07Phys.pdf

Lecture08, Lecture09 "Shadows."

  • Lecture notes: lesson08.pdf
  • Štátnicová téma: Tiene, typy tieňov (mäkké, tvrdé, statické, dynamické), typy a popis algoritmov (projekčné, tieňové objemy, tieňové mapy (shadow mapping)), spôsoby implementácie jednotlivých algoritmov, artefakty a ich odstraňovanie, príklad shader programov pre tieňové mapy. Artefakty spôsobené diskretizáciou. Tiene vo Phongovom modeli.

Lecture10, Lecture11 "Texturing 1, 2."

  • Texture parameterization
  • Procedural methods
  • Procedural textures
  • Fractal landscapes
  • Lecture notes: lesson09.pdf
  • Book chapter (Surface reality techniques): lessonBoook09.pdf
  • Štátnicová téma: Lokálne osvetľovacie modely. (tieňovanie, Phongov a Blinn-Phongov osvetlovací model, zložky (ambientna, difúzna, zrkadlová), textúrovanie a druhy textúr, mapovanie a filtrácia textúr, popísať princípy environment, bump, normal mapovania, textúrovací a tangenciálny priestor, príklad shader programov na GPU.

Lecture12 "Image Based Rendering 1."

  • Plenopticfunction
  • Panoramas
  • Concentric Mosaics
  • Light Field Rendering
  • The Lumigraph
  • Lecture notes: lesson10.pdf
  • Homework: Blinn-Phong enumeration.

Lecture13 "Image Based Rendering 2."

  • Layered Depth Images
  • View-dependent Texture Mapping
  • Surface Light Fields
  • View Morphing
  • Lecture notes: lesson10.pdf

Lecture14 "Ask me anything."

  • Test problem introduction

Seminars on Advanced Computer Graphics

Rules / Info

  • On every seminar we will implement selected problems/algorithms related to lessons. We will usually - not necessary start with a prearranged template downloadable from this site.
  • For programming we will use language C# and Visual Studio 2010 as a development environment. Alternatively, you can use MonoDevelop (Linux / Mac OSX) on your own machine.
  • Attendance at seminars is optional but recommended.
  • Seminars are conducted by
    • Adam Riečický (, Room M113)
  • Schedule of seminars is
    • Wednesday (9:50) - Room I-H3


  • For homework, you shall finish the tasks started on the exercises. Assignment and template will be downloadable from this page.
  • 2 week period after each seminar, for submitting your finished code. Submissions after a deadline are for 0%.
  • Minimum of 60% of your final exercise evaluation is required for admission to final term.
  • Additional activity can be awarded by max 10% of your final evaluation.
  • Homework must be submitted by email to
  • Your submission email must have the title in the form 'ACG ExNN' where NN is the number of exercises, eg. ACG Ex05.
  • It is required to submit zipped source code of your homework (preferably the whole solution). Do not send executable files. Homeworks without the source code are for 0%.
  • Your code should be well formatted and commented. Titles of functions, classes, variables should be representative for their purpose. Homeworks without appropriate comments are for 0%.



Exercise00 "Vectors and Matrices"

Asignment: Create a simple application for vectors(4x1) and matrices(4x4). Use struct properties, function and/or operators. Create a calculator, check your equations and results. Add implementation to theese files in folder ./Mathematics/ : Vector4.cs, MathEx.cs (if you have a courage, try also Matrix44.cs)

For help, view this reminder on linear algebra

Here will be deadline! But not this time... this exercise is not evaluated.

Exercise01 "Ray Casting"

Seminar slides

Asignment: Implement a camera class suitable for the ray casting method. As usual, you should use a similar functionality as in the sample application. The application should specifically be able to:

  • Render the scene (objects are movable).
  • Move the camera in a 3D space.
  • Change the camera's field of view (larger angle = more space to render), see Blender camera.

Try to change the color of the intersected object due to the distance from the camera

Bonus [+2%]: Create a camera which will rotate around defined point P (target) among a sphere with r = 1. You can use ideas from the Blender camera system and/or two-angle camera in OpenGL. The camera should use some sort of interactivity (2 angles) and targeted point P should be movable. Bonus camera can be created in a separated solution or you can change the structure in the template to implement two different cameras.

  • Deadline: 20. 3. - 9:50

Exercise02 "Primitives"

Seminar Slides

Asignment: Improve your tracer by adding a few primitives (ring, sphere, AABB box) [2] [3] [4] to the sample application.

Bonus [+1%]: Create also a triangle, cylinder and a cone primitives

Deadline: 20. 3. - 9:50

Exercise03 "Shaders, Shading and Shadows"

Seminar Slides

Asignment: Improve your tracer by implementing checker and Phong shaders, directional light, and hard shadows. Compute normals to each primitive in the point of intersection. As usual, you should use a similar functionality as in the sample application.

Deadline: 27.3. - 9:50

Exercise04 "Lights & Shadows"

Seminar Slides

Asignment: Improve your tracer by adding a point light, spot light [5] and an area light. In the case of point and spotlight, define the light as a point with hard shadows and linear/quadratic light attenuation [6]. Area light could be defined by Lights x Lights point lights. Area light should also be able to produce soft shadows.

[1 bonus %]: Write equation for illumination computed by sample code from seminar slides

Deadline: 3.4. - 9:50

Exercise05 "More Shaders"

Seminar Slides

Asignment: Improve your tracer by adding a few more shaders: Toon / Cell, Cook-Torrance, Oren-Nayar, Gradient. As usual, you should use a similar functionality as in the sample application.

  • Sample | Template
  • Set Cook-Torrance color to match your measurements from Laboratory exercise.

[2 bonus %]: Implement Ward Shader [ Example ]. You should generate tangent space for each point on the sphere Remember to keep the same orientation of tangent space at each point You can replace Phong sphere with a Ward sphere

Deadline: 17. 4. - 9:50

Exercise06 "Reflection And Refraction"

Seminar Slides

Asignment: Improve your tracer by adding reflections and refractions for rendering mirror and glass objects. As usual, you should use a similar functionality as in the sample application.

[1 bonus %]: Implement fresnel effect.

Deadline: 24. 4. - 9:50

ExerciseLab "Laboratory Experiment"

Could we imitate materials from the real world? Carpaint, Translucent, Yes, we can, and we will!

Asignment: LAB assignment document

  • Submit your results as a regular submission by mail

Deadline: 1.5. - 9:50

Revision as of 09:02, 17 April 2019 by Riecicky (Talk | contribs) (Exercise06 "Reflection And Refraction")