Scientific Research at DAI

Research activities at DAI are chiefly focused on the areas of computer graphics and computer vision, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, robotics, computational logic, theory of programming, and bioinformatics. Researchers collaborate within informal working groups focused on more specific topics. We work on many diverse research and educational projects and organize and participate in scientific and popularization events.


DAI staff works on a number of scientific and educational projects financed by the EU, Slovak research agencies, and private institutions.

EU supported projects:


ALgorithms for PAngenome Computational Analysis


Pan-genome Graph Algorithms and Data Integration


Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization


Towards Excellent Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at a Slovak university


TRAnsparent, Interpretable Robots

More DAI projects

Conferences, Seminars and other Events

We organize and co-organize scientific conferences, workshops, seminars, and other events promoting exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences with scientists from other institutions and within our working groups. We also participate in science and research popularization activities.

Research Groups

Computer Graphics and Vision

Two groups at DAI work on graphics and vision problems:

  • Computer Graphics – computer animation, navigation and cooperation in virtual environments, methods of volumetric graphics.
  • Computer Vision – image processing, feature extraction, salient region detection, face recognition, transport and security applications of computer vision.

Artificial Intelligence and Computational Modelling

Research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science has a broad scope and a long history, reflected by the number and diversity of working groups:

Theory of Programming

Applications of formal and logical methods to theory and security of concurrent and distributed systems, computational complexity, and programming are studied by working groups:

  • Concurrent and Distributed Systems – theory of concurrent processing, formal models and their applications on system specification, verification and information security.
  • Declarative Programming – descriptive complexity; declarative programming, code verification, code transformation techniques, rewriting systems and constraint systems.

Revision as of 19:57, 3 April 2023 by Farkas (Talk | contribs) (Working Groups)