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= News and Announcements =  
= News and Announcements =  
<div class="news-list">
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  |title = Topics of Bachelor and Master theses
  |title = Trustworthy Human-Robot Interaction Summer School (THRISS)
  |when = September 19th 2008
  |when = June 10, 2024
  |image = [[Image:thesis.jpg]]
  |image = Image:THRISS-logo.png
  |text = Department of Applied Informatics has published the list of Bachelor and Master theses topics for the year 2008/2009. This list may be further updated. Students may inform the prospective advisers that they are interested in respective topics and ask them about further information about the topics.  
  |text = TERAIS welcomes participants from different backgrounds to meet for four days and deepen their knowledge in the interdisciplinary fields of Cognitive Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction.
* [[Topics for Bachelor Theses]]
  |link = [https://terais.eu/post/24-07-24-thriss/ Learn more at the TERAIS website…]
* [[Topics for Diploma Theses]]
  |link =  
  |title = Open call for two Postdoctoral Researchers
  |when = May 20, 2024
  |image = Image:Terais-logo.png
  |text = Our colleagues working on the TERAIS project are looking for two Postdoctoral Researchers
  |link = [https://terais.eu/post/24-05-20-postdoc-open-call/ More details at the TERAIS website…]
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  |title =  CFP: Neurorobotics at ICANN '24
  |when = March 25, 2024
  |image = Image:ICANN24-neurorobotics.jpg
  |text = Our colleagues working on the TERAIS project are calling for papers to be presented during the 2nd special session on neurorobotics at the ICANN 2024 conference.
  |link = [https://terais.eu/post/24-03-11-icann-neurorob-session/ Full call for papers at the TERAIS website…]
  |title =  Doctoral colloquia in Summer Semester 23/24
  |when = Mondays at 13:10
  |image = Image:Doctoral-colloquia-Peter-presenting.jpg
  |text = DAI invites colleagues and students to Doctoral Colloquia which continue to be held also in the Summer Semester of the academic year 2023/24.
  |link = [[Doctoral_Colloquia/en|Program and more information…]]
  |title =  Open positions at DAI
  |when = November 22, 2023
  |image = Image:NICO-portrait.jpg
  |text = We provide job opportunities, financed by Horizon Europe projects:
* In the [https://terais.eu '''TERAIS'''] project we have open position for 'a ''postdoctoral''' researcher (full time, 24 months). [[Open positions/en#TERAIS|More information…]].
* In the [https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/wtm/research/trail.html '''TRAIL'''] project we have an open position for a '''doctoral''' researcher (full time, 36 months). [[Open positions/en#TRAIL|More information…]]
  |link = [[Open positions/en|All open positions' details…]]
  |title =  Doctoral Colloquia Recap
  |when = August 25, 2023
  |image = Image:Doctoral-colloquia.jpg
  |text = Last semester, our doctoral candidates participated in a series of enlightening and collaborative colloquia. These gatherings provided an exceptional platform for exchanging cutting-edge research, innovative ideas, and cultivating a strong sense of camaraderie among these budding scholars. We’re thrilled to acknowledge the resounding success of these colloquia, which have been an integral part of the Horizon Europe TERAIS project.
  |link = [https://terais.eu/post/23-08-31-doctoral-colloquia/ Recap and video at the TERAIS project website…]
  |title =  TERAIS Field Trip to University of Hamburg
  |when = June 26, 2023
  |image = Image:TERAIS-UHam-field-trip-23-06.jpg
  |text = Our researchers and PhD students visited the The Knowledge Technology group at the University of Hamburg, one of the TERAIS project partners.
  |link = [https://terais.eu/post/23-06-23-hamburg-trip/ Field trip report & gallery at the project website…]
  |title =  TERAIS Explainability and Robot Learning Seminar
  |when = May 16, 2023
  |image = Image:icub1-640x361.jpg
  |text =The Knowledge Technology group at the University of Hamburg is holding the seminar “Explainability and Robot Learning”, promoted by the Horizon Europe project TERAIS, on '''May 16, 2023 at 14:00 – 17:45''' (CET) at the Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Building F, Room: F-132 and online.
  |link = [https://terais.eu/post/23-05-15-erl-seminar/ Abstract and Program at the TERAIS website…]
  |title =  Open positions at DAI
  |when = April 16, 2023
  |image = Image:NICO-portrait.jpg
  |text = We provide job opportunities, financed by Horizon Europe projects:
* In [https://terais.eu '''TERAIS'''], which started in October 2022, we have '''two''' open positions for '''postdoctoral''' researchers (full time, each for 24 months). [[Open positions/en#TERAIS|More information…]].
* In [https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/wtm/research/trail.html '''TRAIL'''], which started in March 2023, we have one open position for a '''doctoral''' researcher (full time, 36 months). [[Open positions/en#TRAIL|More information…]]
Applications must be submitted by <s>15 May 2023</s> '''31 May 2023'''.
  |link = [[Open positions/en|All open positions' details…]]
  |title =  TERAIS Human-Aware Artificial Systems Workshop
  |when = January 31, 2023
  |image = Image:TERAIS-HAS-Workshop-iCub-mod.jpg
  |text = The Italian Institute of Technology is organizing the second [[Project:TERAIS|TERAIS Project]] event, workshop on human-aware artificial systems
on '''January 31, 2023 at 9:15 – 13:00''' (CET) at the '''Center for Human Technologies of IIT'''.
  |link = [https://www.iit.it/it/web/cognitive-architecture-for-collaborative-technologies/has-workshop Abstract and Agenda at the IIT website…]
  |title =  TERAIS opening seminar
  |when = December 7, 2022
  |image = Image:druzba-tapiseria-ludia.jpg
  |text = The Department of Applied Informatics invites everyone to the opening event of the TERAIS EU project – a '''seminar on cognitive robotics'''. The list of invited speakers of the seminar includes Prof. Giulio Sandini from IIT Genoa, Dr. Cornelius Weber from the University of Hamburg, Assoc. Prof. Matěj Hoffmann from CTU in Prague, and Prof. Igor Farkaš and Dr. Andrej Lúčny from Comenius University.
<div>The seminar will be held on Wednesday, '''7th December 2022''' in the Congress Centre of '''Družba''' Hotel at Botanická Street in Bratislava from 8:00 starting with morning coffee, until 15:00 ending with a social lunch. The seminar is free of charge for participants, but due to the limited capacity a registration no later than 4th December 2022 is required using the [https://forms.gle/qQpTW7JPspwdWp4q9 registration form].</div>
  |link = [[Project:TERAIS/en#TERAIS Opening Event|More about the seminar...]]
  |title =  Habilitation procedure of Zuzana Černeková
  |when = November 14, 2022
  |image = Image:Cernekova.jpg
  |text = Our colleague, [[Zuzana Cernekova|Zuzana Černeková]] will deliver her public habilitation lecture <cite>Face detection and recognition</cite> on November 14, 2022 at 14:00 o'clock in the lecture hall&nbsp;C and subsequently defend her habilitation thesis <cite>Selected feature-based solutions in computer vision</cite>.
  |link = [https://fmph.uniba.sk/detail-novinky/browse/1/back_to_page/aktuality-29/article/-e8d33c46d1/ Event at the faculty website (Slovak only)]
  |title =  Habilitation procedure of Martin Madaras
  |when = November 7, 2022
  |image = Image:Madaras.jpg
  |text = Our colleague, [[Martin Madaras]] will deliver his public habilitation lecture <cite>Point clouds processing in industrial applications</cite> on November 7, 2022 at 14:00 o'clock in lecture hall&nbsp;C and subsequently defend his habilitation thesis <cite>Towards hybrid methodology in 3D computer vision</cite>.
  |link = [https://fmph.uniba.sk/detail-novinky/back_to_page/fakulta-matematiky-fyziky-a-informatiky-uk/article/verejna-habilitacna-prednaska-rndr-martin-madaras-phd-7112022/ Event at the faculty website (Slovak only)]
  |title =  New EU twinning project TERAIS
  |when = November 2, 2022
  |image = Image:Terais.triangle.2022.padded.png
  |text = The three-year Horizon Europe project TERAIS (Towards Excellent Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at a Slovak university) started in October 2022. The coordinator is Comenius University represented by the Department of Applied Informatics FMFI and the consortium partners are the University of Hamburg and the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa. The main objective of the project with a budget of approximately 1.6 million euro is to create long-term sustainable conditions at the KAI workplace that will improve the level of publishing activity and support the continuous career development of the staff. The planned activities of the project include multi-dimensional cooperation with partners, focusing not only on joint research in the field of cognitive robotics and artificial intelligence, but also on knowledge transfer through various joint activities. One of the objectives of the project is to develop institutional support for research.
  |link = [[Project:TERAIS|More details...]]
  |title =  The best bachelor thesis of 2021/22
  |when = August 16, 2022
  |image = Image:BestThesis.png
  |text = Teachers in the Bachelor seminar and leaders of State examination committees have selected the best bachelor thesis of 2022 to be<br> '''Marcel Palaj''': '' '''Navigation for sport airplanes''' '', <br>supervisor: RNDr. Peter Borovanský, PhD.<br> and another bachelor thesis received the Dean Award, <br> '''Sabína Samporová''': '' '''Experimentálne prostredie pre interakciu cloveka s humanoidným robotom iCub''' '', supervisor: RNDr. Kristína Malinovská, PhD.<br>
  |link = [[Best Bachelor Thesis AIN 2022/en|More details...]]
  |title =  Cognition and artificial life 2022
  |when = May 30– June 1 2022
  |image = Image:KUZ2022.png
  |text = The 20th anniversary edition of the conference <cite>Cognition and Artificial Life</cite> (KUZ) will be held at the Třešt' Castle in Moravia. The team of the Centre for Cognitive Science KAI FMFI UK is participating as a co-organizer. KUŽ is a traditional Czech-Slovak interdisciplinary event bringing together experts interested in various aspects and methods of investigating cognition, whether in living or artificial systems. In addition, KUŽ provides good opportunities for the participation of students
  |link = [https://kuz2022.ciirc.cvut.cz KUŽ 2022]
  |title =  Bratislava Knowledge September 2021
  |when = Sep 14–24 2021
  |image = Image:baks2021.png
  |text =  BAKS 2021 is a series of online AI-related events, originally planned to be co-located in Bratislava. KAI participates in organizing International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Description Logics workshop.
  |link = [https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/baks2021/ BAKS 2021]
  |title =  Cognition and artificial life 2019
  |when = May 29–31 2019
  |image = Image:kuz2019.png
  |text =  Centre for cognitive science at DAI, together with Czech Academy of Sciences, is organizing the 19<sup>th</sup> <cite>Cognition and artificial life</cite> (Kognícia a umelý život – KUŽ) conference in Bratislava–Rača. KUŽ has become the traditional interdisciplinary event bringing together experts interested in different aspects and methods of investigating cognition in live and artificial systems. KUŽ also provides interesting opportunities for students' participation.
  |link = [http://cogsci.fmph.uniba.sk/kuz2019/ KUŽ 2019]
  |title =  Combinatorics on Words
  |when = Septembra 22, 2018
  |image = Image:ITAT.png
  |text = Associated with the conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory a workshop Combinatorics on Words organized by doc. Tatiana Jajcayová from our deparment will take place. Work of students of our deparment will be presented at the workshop too.  <br>
  |link = [http://itat.ics.upjs.sk/Site/Program Conference Programme]
  |title =  The best bachelor thesis
  |when = June 26, 2018
  |image = Image:BestThesis.png
  |text = Teachers in the Bachelor seminar and leaders of State examination committees have selected the best bachelor theis of 2018 to be<br> '''Dana Škorvánková''': '' '''Capturing​ ​of​ ​Movement​ ​During​ ​Music​ ​Performance''' '' , supervisor: RNDr. Martin Madaras, PhD.
  |link = [[Best Bachelor Thesis AIN_2018/en|See more for laurates]]
  |title =  Recomendations for enrollment to the 3<sup>rd</sup> year of study
  |when = August 31, 2016
  |image = Image:Studentbooks.png
  |text = Tutors of the Bachelor program in Applied informatics advise the 3<sup>rd</sup> year students to enroll to appropriate compulsory elective courses depending on their plans after graduation.
  |link = [[News/sk#Odporúčania k zápisu do 3. ročníka|See the Slovak version for details]]
  |title =  32<sup>nd</sup> Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
  |when = April 27–29, 2016
  |image = Image:sccg2.png
  |text = Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics organizes the 32<sup>nd</sup> edition of the largest Central-European international conference on Computer Graphics. It will take place in Smolenice in the late April. The conference will be chaired by Michela Spagnuolo, featuring invited speakers Daniele Panozzo, Franca Giannini, and Remco C. Veltkamp. More information on the conference website:
  |link = [http://www.sccg.sk Spring Conference on Computer Graphics]
  |title =  Public inauguration lecture of doc. Ing. Miloš Šrámek, PhD.
|title =  Newly re-accredited study programmes
   |when = September 18th, 2008, 13:00
   |when = August 26, 2015
   |image = [[Image:logo_fakulty.png]]
   |image = Image:Studentbooks.png
   |text = The faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics invites to the public inauguration lecture of doc. Ing. Miloš Šrámek, PhD. that will take place in auditorium C, on September 18th 2008 at 13:00 on the topic "Challenges of volumetric projections in medicine".
   |text = From the academic year 2015/16 we are starting with newly re-accredit study programmes:
  |link = [http://www.fmph.uniba.sk/fileadmin/user_upload/editors/aktualne/kalendar/200809/HabIn/Sramek.pdf  official invitation...]
* [[Bachelor program in Applied Informatics|Bachelor program in Applied Informatics]],
* [[Master program in Applied Informatics|Master program in Applied Informatics]],
* [[Master program in Cognitive Science|Master program in Cognitive Science]].
   |title =  Special AI Seminar with guests Chiaki Sakama and Katsumi Inoue
   |title =  Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
   |when = September 6th, 2008, 09:00
   |when = May 1st - 3rd 2013
   |image =
   |image = Image:sccg2.png
   |text = On September the 6th we will welcome prof. Chiaki Sakama from Wakayama University and prof. Katsumi Inoue from National Institute of Informatics in Japan. There will be a special seminar with invited talks by prof. Sakama and prof. Inoue in room I-9. Everyone is kindly invited.
   |text = Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics organizes the 29th edition of Central-European international conference on Computer Graphics. It will take place in Budmerice in the early May. The conference will be chaired by Holly Rushmeier, featuring invited speakers Ken Anjyo, Ivan Viola and Bernd Bickel. More information on the conference website:
   |link = See [[AI_Seminar_-_Special_Session_no_1|seminar programme]].
   |link = [http://www.sccg.sk Spring Conference on Computer Graphics]
   | title = Launching the new website of the department
   |title = Cognition and Artificial Life XII
   | when = August 29th, 2008
   |when = May 22nd - 25th 2012
   | image = [[Image:launching.png]]
   |image = Image:kuzXII.jpg
   | text = With the start of the new semester, we are launching this new and fresh website of our department, which now serves as the official website. You find here links and information to about all the subjects provided by our department, information about our research projects and other activities. Now, thanks to the Wiki technology, the content can be generated by all employees of the department, and we wish this will become a useful tool for both us and our students, as well as for public visitors. We wish to maintain the webpages in both Slovak and English languages. Please drop us a line at daiweb[[Image:zavinac.gif|@]]lists.ii.fmph.uniba.sk if you have any questions or comments.
   |text = The twelfth Czech-Slovak seminar organized by our Czech colleagues this year will take place in hotel Floret, Průhonice u Prahy. The seminar provides a platform for presentation of results in the areas of cognition, artificial life, and artificial intelligence. The goal is to seek interdisciplinary dialog between the scientific disciplines related to this field with a wide scope.
   | link = [[Instructions|Contributors - please read the instructions...]]
   |link = [http://www.kuz.cvut.cz/ More information at the conference website...]
   | title = Diploma theses defence
   |title = Student Scientific Conference
   | when = June 3rd, 2008
   |when = April 25th 2012
   | image = [[Image:defense.png]]
   |image = Image:svk.jpg
   | text = The 'last' graduates in the direction of Artificial Intelligence defended their theses. Look at a few snapshots from their presentations.
   |text = The students are invited to submit a contribution to the Student Scientific Conference. Important dates: <ul><li>Submission deadline: April 8th 2012 (late submissions will not be accepted)</li><li>Conference held: April 25th 2012</li><li>Posters at display: April 18th - May 4th</li></ul> As last year, the short abstracts and long papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and the long papers will be peer reviewed.  
   | link = [[Diploma theses defense, June 3rd 2008]]
   |link = [http://www.fmph.uniba.sk/svk More information at the conference website...]
</div><!-- class="news-list" -->
[[Archived news|Archived news...]]
[[Archived news|Archived news >]]

Aktuálna revízia z 19:34, 29. júl 2024

News and Announcements


Trustworthy Human-Robot Interaction Summer School (THRISS)

TERAIS welcomes participants from different backgrounds to meet for four days and deepen their knowledge in the interdisciplinary fields of Cognitive Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction.

Open call for two Postdoctoral Researchers

Our colleagues working on the TERAIS project are looking for two Postdoctoral Researchers

CFP: Neurorobotics at ICANN '24

Our colleagues working on the TERAIS project are calling for papers to be presented during the 2nd special session on neurorobotics at the ICANN 2024 conference.

Doctoral colloquia in Summer Semester 23/24

DAI invites colleagues and students to Doctoral Colloquia which continue to be held also in the Summer Semester of the academic year 2023/24.

Open positions at DAI

We provide job opportunities, financed by Horizon Europe projects:

Doctoral Colloquia Recap

Last semester, our doctoral candidates participated in a series of enlightening and collaborative colloquia. These gatherings provided an exceptional platform for exchanging cutting-edge research, innovative ideas, and cultivating a strong sense of camaraderie among these budding scholars. We’re thrilled to acknowledge the resounding success of these colloquia, which have been an integral part of the Horizon Europe TERAIS project.

TERAIS Field Trip to University of Hamburg

Our researchers and PhD students visited the The Knowledge Technology group at the University of Hamburg, one of the TERAIS project partners.

TERAIS Explainability and Robot Learning Seminar

The Knowledge Technology group at the University of Hamburg is holding the seminar “Explainability and Robot Learning”, promoted by the Horizon Europe project TERAIS, on May 16, 2023 at 14:00 – 17:45 (CET) at the Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Building F, Room: F-132 and online.

Open positions at DAI

We provide job opportunities, financed by Horizon Europe projects:
  • In TERAIS, which started in October 2022, we have two open positions for postdoctoral researchers (full time, each for 24 months). More information….
  • In TRAIL, which started in March 2023, we have one open position for a doctoral researcher (full time, 36 months). More information…
Applications must be submitted by 15 May 2023 31 May 2023.

TERAIS Human-Aware Artificial Systems Workshop

The Italian Institute of Technology is organizing the second TERAIS Project event, workshop on human-aware artificial systems on January 31, 2023 at 9:15 – 13:00 (CET) at the Center for Human Technologies of IIT.

TERAIS opening seminar

The Department of Applied Informatics invites everyone to the opening event of the TERAIS EU project – a seminar on cognitive robotics. The list of invited speakers of the seminar includes Prof. Giulio Sandini from IIT Genoa, Dr. Cornelius Weber from the University of Hamburg, Assoc. Prof. Matěj Hoffmann from CTU in Prague, and Prof. Igor Farkaš and Dr. Andrej Lúčny from Comenius University.
The seminar will be held on Wednesday, 7th December 2022 in the Congress Centre of Družba Hotel at Botanická Street in Bratislava from 8:00 starting with morning coffee, until 15:00 ending with a social lunch. The seminar is free of charge for participants, but due to the limited capacity a registration no later than 4th December 2022 is required using the registration form.

Habilitation procedure of Zuzana Černeková

Our colleague, Zuzana Černeková will deliver her public habilitation lecture Face detection and recognition on November 14, 2022 at 14:00 o'clock in the lecture hall C and subsequently defend her habilitation thesis Selected feature-based solutions in computer vision.

Habilitation procedure of Martin Madaras

Our colleague, Martin Madaras will deliver his public habilitation lecture Point clouds processing in industrial applications on November 7, 2022 at 14:00 o'clock in lecture hall C and subsequently defend his habilitation thesis Towards hybrid methodology in 3D computer vision.

New EU twinning project TERAIS

The three-year Horizon Europe project TERAIS (Towards Excellent Robotics and Artificial Intelligence at a Slovak university) started in October 2022. The coordinator is Comenius University represented by the Department of Applied Informatics FMFI and the consortium partners are the University of Hamburg and the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa. The main objective of the project with a budget of approximately 1.6 million euro is to create long-term sustainable conditions at the KAI workplace that will improve the level of publishing activity and support the continuous career development of the staff. The planned activities of the project include multi-dimensional cooperation with partners, focusing not only on joint research in the field of cognitive robotics and artificial intelligence, but also on knowledge transfer through various joint activities. One of the objectives of the project is to develop institutional support for research.

The best bachelor thesis of 2021/22

Teachers in the Bachelor seminar and leaders of State examination committees have selected the best bachelor thesis of 2022 to be
Marcel Palaj: Navigation for sport airplanes ,
supervisor: RNDr. Peter Borovanský, PhD.
and another bachelor thesis received the Dean Award,
Sabína Samporová: Experimentálne prostredie pre interakciu cloveka s humanoidným robotom iCub , supervisor: RNDr. Kristína Malinovská, PhD.

Cognition and artificial life 2022

The 20th anniversary edition of the conference Cognition and Artificial Life (KUZ) will be held at the Třešt' Castle in Moravia. The team of the Centre for Cognitive Science KAI FMFI UK is participating as a co-organizer. KUŽ is a traditional Czech-Slovak interdisciplinary event bringing together experts interested in various aspects and methods of investigating cognition, whether in living or artificial systems. In addition, KUŽ provides good opportunities for the participation of students

Bratislava Knowledge September 2021

BAKS 2021 is a series of online AI-related events, originally planned to be co-located in Bratislava. KAI participates in organizing International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Description Logics workshop.

Cognition and artificial life 2019

Centre for cognitive science at DAI, together with Czech Academy of Sciences, is organizing the 19th Cognition and artificial life (Kognícia a umelý život – KUŽ) conference in Bratislava–Rača. KUŽ has become the traditional interdisciplinary event bringing together experts interested in different aspects and methods of investigating cognition in live and artificial systems. KUŽ also provides interesting opportunities for students' participation.

Combinatorics on Words

Associated with the conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory a workshop Combinatorics on Words organized by doc. Tatiana Jajcayová from our deparment will take place. Work of students of our deparment will be presented at the workshop too.

The best bachelor thesis

Teachers in the Bachelor seminar and leaders of State examination committees have selected the best bachelor theis of 2018 to be
Dana Škorvánková: Capturing​ ​of​ ​Movement​ ​During​ ​Music​ ​Performance , supervisor: RNDr. Martin Madaras, PhD.

Recomendations for enrollment to the 3rd year of study

Tutors of the Bachelor program in Applied informatics advise the 3rd year students to enroll to appropriate compulsory elective courses depending on their plans after graduation.

32nd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics organizes the 32nd edition of the largest Central-European international conference on Computer Graphics. It will take place in Smolenice in the late April. The conference will be chaired by Michela Spagnuolo, featuring invited speakers Daniele Panozzo, Franca Giannini, and Remco C. Veltkamp. More information on the conference website:

Newly re-accredited study programmes

From the academic year 2015/16 we are starting with newly re-accredit study programmes:

Spring Conference on Computer Graphics

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics organizes the 29th edition of Central-European international conference on Computer Graphics. It will take place in Budmerice in the early May. The conference will be chaired by Holly Rushmeier, featuring invited speakers Ken Anjyo, Ivan Viola and Bernd Bickel. More information on the conference website:

Cognition and Artificial Life XII

The twelfth Czech-Slovak seminar organized by our Czech colleagues this year will take place in hotel Floret, Průhonice u Prahy. The seminar provides a platform for presentation of results in the areas of cognition, artificial life, and artificial intelligence. The goal is to seek interdisciplinary dialog between the scientific disciplines related to this field with a wide scope.

Student Scientific Conference

The students are invited to submit a contribution to the Student Scientific Conference. Important dates:
  • Submission deadline: April 8th 2012 (late submissions will not be accepted)
  • Conference held: April 25th 2012
  • Posters at display: April 18th - May 4th
As last year, the short abstracts and long papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and the long papers will be peer reviewed.

Archived news >