d (24.09. Introduction)
(85 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Riadok 13: Riadok 13:
:[[Zuzana Berger Haladova|Zuzana Berger Haladová]]
:[[Zuzana Berger Haladova|Zuzana Berger Haladová]]
:[[Zuzana Berger Haladova|Zuzana Berger Haladová]]
:[[Adam Riecicky|Adam Riečický]]
== Organizácia výučby ==
There will be an (obligatory) final exam on 10.12.2018 13:10 at MX<BR />
For those who are creating their projects for Oculus Rift please test your equipment/projects next week . 10.12. in FTLAB 11:30- 12:50<BR />
Send me an email with your half semester presentation to zhaladova(AT)gmail.com. Send me 5 euros/person for the VR Arena visit IBAN: SK17 7500 0000 0004 1184 6123
;LABS: 40 points: 2 (Project proposal) + 10 (Half semester presentation)+ 28 (Full project). You need at least 50% from all stages (1+5+14).
; [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-dr89LxZQ4KIKFPEqdcMXpbndgdmgbad3pS-vB2CaaQ/edit?usp=sharing Points]
Lecture program:
* 25.09. Introduction+ Motivation  [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sbUX8blR1VhM6WjYfc_2fVYd5bxK1QmF4K9JViFRlcs/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
*1.10. History of Virtual Reality [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZZRJ4EkMgZdvPWIYmnFeUnJkkLGQ36bv1Ol8uO3wFp4/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
* 8.10. Excursion to VR Arena
* 15.10. Hardware I.
* 22.10. Hardware II. [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l8ameMoaOGjkBTdCYR3ZY8ISnYA4oV_jGHaGa0iQa_E/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
*29.10. Holiday- Watch the first 60 minutes of the lecture on interfaces [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq0Zw2l-GqU&t=7s video]
* 5.11.  Authoring in VR and AR by Andrej Ferko [https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_yaS3G2G2gEaTNQRHpGNlFTdXZsVnFjT3h1eFFPRzRpQzNN/view?usp=sharing pdf]
*12.11. Tracking [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WyBXyOrjcpiiuFeZwpFLILLAbtYxEvOjNh5WTdWcDL0/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
* 19.10. MiniErasmus week History of AR [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jiIm5XXLb7OnKJ5Dk8WzNmNVh5wEq5C3rFBWBS6fAvM/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
* 26.11. Visual Coherence [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VW5Xckgh_q7wDQ0lV94libop16iD-oXlG03YmyOlM1o/edit?usp=sharing slidy]
* 3.12. Modelling, Visualization...lecture start at 11:30 in F1-248 (LAB room).
* 10.12. Final Exam (obligatory)
*18.12. Final presentation of the projects (obligatory)
Labs program:
*24.09. Introduction
* 1.10. FTLAB (Next to the library at pavilion of Informatics) excursion.
*8.10. Excursion to VR Arena
*15.10. Unity Tutorial
* 22.10. Unity + VUFORIA
*29.10. Holiday
*5.11. Excursion to Hologram Lab 14:00
*12.11. Unity + VUFORIA II. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElmzIq6stNI&t=172s video], Example of Half semester presentations [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yqkQ7bcTtU0upA7efGoHrkuh6tJb9y2JXWA2XXMKOpA/edit?usp=sharing presentation]
* 19.10. MiniErasmus week Half Semester Presentations  (obligatory)
* 26.11. Hololens
* 3.12.  Change! Consultations in M153 from 13:10
*10.12. Change! Consultations in FTLAB 11:30- 12:50
*18.12. Final presentation of the projects  (obligatory)
== Hodnotenie a podmienky absolvovania ==
== Hodnotenie a podmienky absolvovania ==
40/60 projekt/prednášky z oboch treba získať min 50%
40/60 projekt/prednášky z oboch treba získať min 50%
Výsledná známka sa určí z celkového bodového zisku podľa nasledovnej tabuľky.
Výsledná známka sa určí z celkového bodového zisku podľa nasledovnej tabuľky.
{| class="table-responsive alternative"
{| class="table-responsive alternative"
Riadok 80: Riadok 43:
[https://is.muni.cz/el/1433/podzim2015/PA198/um/59482554/Spatial_Augmented_Reality.pdf Kniha Spatial AR Bimber-Raskar]
= Organizácia výučby =
== Lectures ==
Lecture program:
* 23.09. Introduction (Martin Madaras)
* 30.09. Motivation, VR History  [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sbUX8blR1VhM6WjYfc_2fVYd5bxK1QmF4K9JViFRlcs/edit?usp=sharing part1 ][https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZZRJ4EkMgZdvPWIYmnFeUnJkkLGQ36bv1Ol8uO3wFp4/edit?usp=sharing part2 ]
* 7.10. Hardware 1 [https://slides.komododecks.com/HardwareDisplays-1-f05qEUID lecture] [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l8ameMoaOGjkBTdCYR3ZY8ISnYA4oV_jGHaGa0iQa_E/edit slides]
*14.10. Hardware 2 [https://slides.komododecks.com/c1a469fc-05ed-40f0-a10d-5af7a81db8a2 lecture]
*21.10. Martin Madaras - [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G64-cV397p9pbJVUf7fCxM2MGvU3N19s8gdIkXEGTxk/edit?usp=sharing intro_doc] [https://youtu.be/3gIxcFXCmKE 1-Transformations] [https://youtu.be/Z9ffuobNoSs 2-Mocap] [https://youtu.be/uZETbWmf8u8 3-3DScanning]
* 28.10. Martin Madaras - QA call 11:30 - 12:30, gmeet: https://meet.google.com/xmq-mkjf-qos
*4.11. Tracking [https://slides.komododecks.com/e1fff0ed-f922-4818-9276-22dbba10440e lecture] [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WyBXyOrjcpiiuFeZwpFLILLAbtYxEvOjNh5WTdWcDL0/edit slides]
*11.11. Konzultacie (MS Teams)
*18.11. History of AR [https://slides.komododecks.com/29e5c82f-a0cb-48e3-a08b-6107652756c1 lecture] [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jiIm5XXLb7OnKJ5Dk8WzNmNVh5wEq5C3rFBWBS6fAvM/edit?usp=sharing slides]
*25.11. Tracking + Visual Coherence [https://slides.komododecks.com/965d891f-9f78-4613-96c8-200a789516ec lecture] [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VW5Xckgh_q7wDQ0lV94libop16iD-oXlG03YmyOlM1o/edit slides]
*2.12. Visualisation [https://slides.komododecks.com/10db8668-a958-4a50-8efd-10452f44057b lecture]
Interaction (video from AR workshop) [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq0Zw2l-GqU&t=4780s video]
*9.12. Konzultacie (MS Teams)
* 16.12. Final Exam (obligattory).
[qhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sbUX8blR1VhM6WjYfc_2fVYd5bxK1QmF4K9JViFRlcs/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
*2.10. History of Virtual Reality [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZZRJ4EkMgZdvPWIYmnFeUnJkkLGQ36bv1Ol8uO3wFp4/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
*9.10. Martin Madaras - Intro, VR Apps + Transformations
[https://skeletex.xyz/content/VAR/Virtual&AugmentedReality_00_Intro.pdf slides]
* 16.10. Hardware I.
* 23.10. Hardware II. [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1l8ameMoaOGjkBTdCYR3ZY8ISnYA4oV_jGHaGa0iQa_E/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
*30.10. Michal Piovarci invited talk + discussion
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yMIF5PpJ0FXsjqzQ4ZTaQS5XW7yUUMVz slides]
*6.11. Tracking [http://ugposter.kaust.edu.sa/ LINK NA POSTER COMPETITION KAUST]  [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WyBXyOrjcpiiuFeZwpFLILLAbtYxEvOjNh5WTdWcDL0/edit#slide=id.g4668a50a14_0_186 lecture]
*13.11. Tracking II + Visual Coherence [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VW5Xckgh_q7wDQ0lV94libop16iD-oXlG03YmyOlM1o/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
*20.11. History of Augmented reality MiniErasmus week  [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jiIm5XXLb7OnKJ5Dk8WzNmNVh5wEq5C3rFBWBS6fAvM/edit?usp=sharing lecture]
*27.11. Martin Madaras - Animation and Mocap
[https://skeletex.xyz/content/VAR/Virtual&AugmentedReality_01_MocapAnim.pdf slides]
*4.12. Martin Madaras - 3D Scanning and Reconstruction
[https://skeletex.xyz/content/VAR/Virtual&AugmentedReality_02_3DScanning.pdf slides]
*11.12.  Visualisation [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1eErYPlQP0vY0Pha4M16ePy4VE6jc2KOYWBqaAfwXEZQ/edit?usp=sharing slides]
*18.12. Final Exam (obligattory) MXII.
=[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1taX_Sx-GS0ES4CS_59ZKuHcLjN4c7FWOm26KVWeLfuw/edit?usp=sharing BODY ZO SKUSKY]=
== Labs ==
=== 24.09. Introduction ===
: Labs introduction - [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ITBoTgfdoXutoISfPodj-BbSL965SjC7_LP_bIYCgqg/edit?usp=sharing Slides]
: Overview of Unity3D interface, Assets - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L_PeVNYQT47GvihINQn0egXKcDY3s-xV/view?usp=sharing Asset package for Labs]
; Deadline 13.10.2020
: Fill out  [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cQ_Ixo12jbCfX9JAYS6TX_h563466EOFlPeNkW5fFPE/edit?usp=sharing project specification template] and submit to adam.riecicky@fmph.uniba.sk
; Deadline 17.12.2020
: Present application demo during labs. Your project should have some of the core mechanics implemented.
; Deadline 31.1.2021
: Final application submission. Reviewed and rated during the next week - individual presentations.
=== 1.10. Animations ===
: Prefab variants, more scripts, and animations.
=== 8.10. Physics and Drill ===
: Rigid bodies, colliders and individual assignments.
=== 15.10. Building for Android and VR ===
: Automatic  ''Build and Run'' process requires several permissions from your device:
# Enabled ''Developer mode'' - [https://www.google.com/search?q=android+enable+developer+options&oq=android+enable+developer+options&aqs=chrome..69i64j0l4j69i60.4367j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 How to unlock developer options on Android]
# Enabled ''USB debugging''
# Enabled ''Install via USB''
: Use [https://developers.google.com/cardboard/develop/unity/quickstart Google Cardboard XR Plugin for Unity] for VR.
=== 22.10. Creating AR Applications with Vuforia ===
: Vuforia enables easy AR application creation for Android and iOS.
: Follow installation and use instructions available [https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Training/getting-started-with-vuforia-in-unity.html here].
=== 03.12. Practical assignment ===
: Create a minigame Bug Smack from [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1axfzZekq360NRuGgq-5xo53obp7t_sM0f2AyRuMGas4/edit?usp=sharing assignment document]
* GUI - [https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UIBasicLayout.html UI Layout]
'''Deadline 7.11.2019''' Prepare 10min [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bobLiWdJiNS_FVdxITgTGXHym8zOYLMl8q0QSMI2-BI/edit?usp=sharing project specification presentation] and present on the next lecture.
==== 28.11.2019 Excursion to Holo-Lab ====
Excursion to the laboratory of holography will be at Matfyz.
Meet at 13:10 in front of the room F2-167.
==== 19.12.2019 Object Reconstruction ====
Presentation of 3D reconstruction tool with the possibility to digitize your own objects.
Project progression presentation.
'''Deadline 26.1.2020 23:59''' Send link to a functional and tested unity project, that will be presented at VR Party. Individual project consultations will happen between 1. and 24. January (specific date scheduled upon email request).
==== 28.1.2020 VR Party ====
Final presentations of projects (with slides). A showcase of functional projects. Evaluation of projects and audience voting.
Send me Final Presentation+Video+Application+ Source code to email zhaladova@gmail.com before the final presentation (until 17.12. 11:30)<BR />
HUDAK: Send me an email with your half semester presentation to zhaladova(AT)gmail.com. <BR />
Send me 5 euros/person for the VR Arena visit IBAN: SK17 7500 0000 0004 1184 6123
;LABS: 40 points: 2 (Project proposal) + 10 (Half semester presentation)+ 28 (Full project). You need at least 50% from all stages (1+5+14).

Verzia zo dňa a času 13:17, 20. január 2021

Virtuálna a Rozšírená realita 2-AIN-223/15

Toto je stránka k predmetu Virtuálna a rozšírená realita Informačný list predmetu >

Ľudia podieľajúci sa na výučbe

Zuzana Berger Haladová
Adam Riečický

Hodnotenie a podmienky absolvovania

40/60 projekt/prednášky z oboch treba získať min 50% Výsledná známka sa určí z celkového bodového zisku podľa nasledovnej tabuľky.

Bodový zisk Známka
〈90, 100〉 A
〈80, 90) B
〈70, 80) C
〈60, 70) D
〈50, 60) E
〈0, 50) FX


Kniha Spatial AR Bimber-Raskar

Organizácia výučby


Lecture program:

Interaction (video from AR workshop) video

  • 9.12. Konzultacie (MS Teams)
  • 16.12. Final Exam (obligattory).


24.09. Introduction

Labs introduction - Slides
Overview of Unity3D interface, Assets - Asset package for Labs
Deadline 13.10.2020
Fill out project specification template and submit to adam.riecicky@fmph.uniba.sk
Deadline 17.12.2020
Present application demo during labs. Your project should have some of the core mechanics implemented.
Deadline 31.1.2021
Final application submission. Reviewed and rated during the next week - individual presentations.

1.10. Animations

Prefab variants, more scripts, and animations.

8.10. Physics and Drill

Rigid bodies, colliders and individual assignments.

15.10. Building for Android and VR

Automatic Build and Run process requires several permissions from your device:
  1. Enabled Developer mode - How to unlock developer options on Android
  2. Enabled USB debugging
  3. Enabled Install via USB
Use Google Cardboard XR Plugin for Unity for VR.

22.10. Creating AR Applications with Vuforia

Vuforia enables easy AR application creation for Android and iOS.
Follow installation and use instructions available here.

03.12. Practical assignment

Create a minigame Bug Smack from assignment document