Master thesis seminar – 2-IKV-921/15

To enable systematic communication of the students with their peers, provide constructive feedback to their work during the semester (exchange of knowledge, discussion about current results, problems, etc.), to prepare students for presentation of their research at MEi:CogSci conference.

Information sheet


15. 2. 2017
We start with the first meeting on Wednesday 22nd February.


Date Content
22.2. Introduction to the course, requirements and grading, plan for the semester.
01.3. Presentations of your mobility projects to 1st year students (joint meeting).
08.3. How to prepare your master thesis. Master Thesis Concept requirement.
15.3. Your presentation of the master thesis concept.
22.3. TBA
29.3. TBA
05.4 TBA
12.4. TBA
19.4. TBA
26.4. TBA
03.5. TBA
10.5. TBA
17.5. TBA

Course grading

  • 30% - presentations during the seminar (twice)
  • 20% - activity, peer feedback, participation in abstract reviews
  • 10% - conference presentation (talk)
  • 40% - quality of the master thesis concept
  • Overall score: A > 90%, B > 80%, C > 70%, D > 60%, E > 50%, else Fx.
Revízia z 18:49, 15. február 2017; Farkas (Diskusia | príspevky)

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