Master's thesis seminar 2-IKV-921a

The purpose of this interdisciplinary course is to provide support to students writing their master thesis in the fields of cognitive science. Students are expected to develop the concept for their master’s thesis, present and discuss their plans for their theses, issues and problems. The course provides room both for presentations and discussions. It also includes participation in the MEi:CogSci conference.

Learning outcomes: After the course, you should be able to: (1) to formulate and follow a scientific question relevant to cognitive science, (2) to plan, conduct, document and present scientific work, (3) to write an extended scientific abstract, (4) to defend your research and constructively deal with critical commentary, (5) to constructively participate in a peer-review process, (6) to get involved in collaborative work in physical and virtual environments, (7) to engage in scientific discourse, (8) to communicate your expertise in order to contribute constructive criticism to the work of others.


Druh výučby Day Time Room Teacher
Seminar Wednesday 14:50 - 17:10 I-9 Igor Farkaš, Barbora Cimrová


Date Content
15.2. Introduction to the course, requirements and grading, plan for the semester.
23.2. Joint meeting with 1st year students: presentations of your mobility projects.
01.3. Introduction of Master's Thesis Concept.
08.3. Discussion about interdisciplinarity: Thagard (2005), short presentations
15.3. Discussion about interdisciplinarity: Nunez et al. (2019), short presentations
22.3. no class
29.3. Long presentations and feedback: TBA
05.4 Long presentations and feedback: TBA
12.4. Long presentations and feedback: TBA
19.4. no class - students' scientific conference (ŠVK)
26.4. TBA
03.5. TBA
10.5. TBA
xx.6. Rehearsal of MEi:CogSci conference talks: group 1
xx.6. Rehearsal of MEi:CogSci conference talks: group 2

Course requirements and grading

  • 40% - quality of the master thesis concept (following the template provided) - to be submitted until April, 30th.
  • 30% - oral presentations of your thesis in the seminar (shorter and longer)
  • 20% - activity during the semester, peer feedback, participation in peer reviews of extended abstracts (for the conference)
  • 10% - active participation at MEi:CogSci conference (talk)
  • Overall score: A > 90%, B > 80%, C > 70%, D > 60%, E > 50%, otherwise Fx.
Revision as of 21:19, 5 February 2023 by Farkas (Talk | contribs) (Syllabus)