Virtuálna a Rozšírená realita 2-AIN-223/15

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Ľudia podieľajúci sa na výučbe

Zuzana Berger Haladová
Adam Riečický

Hodnotenie a podmienky absolvovania

40/60 projekt/prednášky z oboch treba získať min 50% Výsledná známka sa určí z celkového bodového zisku podľa nasledovnej tabuľky.

Bodový zisk Známka
〈90, 100〉 A
〈80, 90) B
〈70, 80) C
〈60, 70) D
〈50, 60) E
〈0, 50) FX

Organizácia výučby


Lecture program:

  • 30.09. Introduction+ Motivation
  • 16.12. Final Exam (obligattory).


26.09.2019 Introduction

Introductory Slides

Excursion to FTLab.

Deadline 13.10.2019 Fill out project specification template and submit to

3.10.2019 Learning Unity #1

  • Overview of Unity3D interface
  • Assets
  • Introduction to scripting in C#

Asset package for Labs

10.10.2019 Learning Unity #2

  • Building for Android
  • Animations

Unity on Humble bundle!

Automatic Build and Run process requires several permissions from your device:

  1. Enabled Developer mode
  2. Enabled USB debugging
  3. Enabled Install via USB

How to unlock developer options on Android

Mobile device input

17.10.2019 Learning Unity #3

24.10.2019 Learning Unity #4

Deadline 7.11.2019 Prepare 10min project specification presentation and present on the next lecture.

31.10.2019 Halloween

No lecture

7.11.2019 Project Specification Presentations

Each team will present their project idea.

14.11.2019 What Reality?

Reality discussion about virtual topics.

21.11.2019 Canceled

Labs are canceled this week.

28.11.2019 Excursion to Holo-Lab

Excursion to the laboratory of holography will be at Matfyz. Meet at 13:10 in front of the room F2-167.

5.12.2019 Project Consulatations

Consult your ideas and issues.

12.12.2019 Canceled

Labs are canceled this week.

19.12.2019 Object Reconstruction

Presentation of 3D reconstruction tool with the possibility to digitize your own objects. Project progression presentation.

Deadline 26.1.2020 23:59 Send link to a functional and tested unity project, that will be presented at VR Party. Individual project consultations will happen between 1. and 24. January (specific date scheduled upon email request).

28.1.2020 VR Party

Final presentations of projects (with slides). A showcase of functional projects. Evaluation of projects and audience voting.

Revision as of 12:15, 23 September 2020 by Haladova (Talk | contribs)