List of thesis (master/bachelor) topics I can tutor

List of thesis (master/bachelor) topics

Author: Roman Ďurikovič

Master or Bachelor thesis Topics (Appearance Models of Computer Graphics and Vision):

  • Write a system that allows you to take a geometric model and an anisotropic BRDF and "comb" the direction of anisotropy. Use this to render a horse.
  • Develop a self-shadowing theory for an anisotropic rough surface.
  • Build a virtual gonioreflectometer and use it to simulate interference on a CD. Use this to render a CD as accurately as possible. Compare with reality.
  • Model and render a human eye. For variety, you can also render a cat's eye (or any other that shows strong retroreflection).
  • Model and render a snowman.
  • Develop an appearance model for glaze and render some examples.
  • Render Venus de Milo (download the model) with a skin model that includes subsurface scattering.
  • Render a glass of milk.
  • Fit the Hanrahan-Krueger model to measured skin BRDF (data provided).
  • Develop a reflection model for car paint.
  • Develop an appearance model for a butterfly wing (including iridescence).
  • Model and render a standard-issue Gates Building office chair. Make it look realistic at all levels of detail (for fields of view from 1 square cm to the whole thing).

Master thesis Topics (Physical based Animation):

  1. Non-photo realistic motion blur from video,

Igarashi laboratory

  1. Making Paper Craft Toys with User-defined Pattern Silhouette Shape,

Igarashi lab,

  1. A Toolkit for Prototiping Interactive Robotic Applications,

Igarashi Lab, LEGO Mind storm, Microsoft Robotics Studio,

  1. Physical based animation of flowing objects.

Toto je podporny modul pre nas dynamicky system simulacie vody. Medzi objektami plavajucimi na vode moze dojst ku kolizii tak isto moze dost ku kolizi objektu a prekazkou. Vstupom budu parametre zo symulatoru v presne definovanom formate a vystupom bude nova pozicia objektov a dalsie parametre sposobene koliziou s vodou.

Revision as of 08:58, 24 September 2019 by Durikovic (Talk | contribs)