- Robotis actuators (the ones *not *in the hands): can respond to Dynamixel protocol V1 or V2. It is user selectable but they won't respond to both at the same time. - On our side, and due to integration requirements with other Robot arms, we *recently *started responding to Protocol V1 and V2 simultaneously by default. However, this can be changed by the user to only respond to V1 OR V2 (just like the Robotis actuators). By the time we wrote the integration in PyPot there was still no support for Dynamixel 2 in the PyPot framework. Therefore, to rule out any case of "auto detection" introduced recently in PyPot, you may configure the hands to respond to Protocol V1 only. This way we ensure they have homogenous behaviour with the Robotis actuators. >>* I am not sure if this is the cause, but this is in fact new functionality and is simple to set it to V1 only, so it may be worth giving it a try.* To set the hands to protocol V1 only, take the following procedure: 1) Follow the procedure as if you were upgrading the MAIN board, but DON'T actually upgrade it. Steps here http://kb.seedrobotics.com/doku.php?id=eros:upgrademainboard_fw Just follow the "Pre-requisites" section. This will install TyQT which is a useful tool to have to access the Serial Terminal. 2) Connect the USB cable to the hand as explained in Pre Requistes, -open TyQT, - go to the "Monitor" window, and type the command below, to send to the board: config extprotocols 1 This should configure the board to use Dynamixel 1 only. (fyi the values are "1" for Dyn 1 only, "2" for Dyn 2, and "3" for Dyn1+Dyn2, which is the default). 3) Next click the "Restart" button on the top left of the TyQT Window. This will reboot the board to bring the changes into effect. 4) You can double check that the board is properly configured, by typing the about command on the same monitor window. You should get a line output like this: [...] - CONFIGURATION: - [...] External bus communication settings: *External Protocols Enabled: Dynamixel 1;* [...] You can then try re-running the PyPot code you were attempting to run (DxlIO class) and see if it makes a difference. If it still doesn't respond to the DxlIO class, please send me the full source code for this so that we can test it on our end and further debug it. Looking forward to your reply, Best Regards Pedro Ramilo seedrobotics.com