Write a research proposal (worth 20 marks) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - You can use your semestral project or diploma thesis topic for this computational neuroscience project proposal. - Alternatively, choose an experimental biological or psychological paper and propose a computational model that can account for the experimental data. - Or you can visit the models database: http://modeldb.science/ that contains hundreds of links to models developed using the software NEURON, but also other software. Choose one, read the corresponding paper(s) and think how you can take it further. Then describe it in the research proposal. 1. TITLE of the research proposal (no more than 15 words), your NAME and course name/code. 2. ABSTRACT (250 words) 3. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND (1-2 pages, max about 700 words) Describe real experiments and/or results, which are relevant for the to be developed computational model. Be as concise as possible, reduce irrelevant info. Make use of images, schemes, and graphs. 4. GOAL / OBJECTIVE/ HYPOTHESIS (1/2 page) What is your scientific question or hypothesis? What you want to use the computational model for. In other words, what you expect the computational model to answer. Be as detailed as possible. 5. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS (1-2 pages, max about 1500 words) Step A: Clearly state the assumptions on which the model will be based. These assumptions should describe the relationship among the quantities to be studied. Step B: Describe the quantities, i.e. variables and parameters to be studied in the model. Step C: Suggest what computations you would need to answer your scientific questions or hypotheses. 6. REFERENCES (no page limit). Important statements in the proposal should be accompanied by a citation. If the idea is you own, say it. Please follow this formatting: Page borders 2.5cm, Times New Roman 12pt, 1.5 line spacing. Marking: Clarity is the most important thing and the mode of reasoning. Proposal is worth 20% of your total mark. See the attached detailed guidelines. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me via email.