Psycholinguistics 2-IKV-183

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Course name and code: Psycholinguistics (2-IKV-183)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: Summer semester / 1
Form and # of hours/week: L - lecture (2), S - seminar (1)
Credits: 5
Evaluation (semester/exam): 50/50
Course webpage: not available
Information sheet: 2-IKV-183 information sheet
Teacher(s): Mgr. Jana Hanulová
E-mail: not available
Homepage(s): not available

Short description:

To provide introduction into experimental methods and psycholinguistic theories, investigating the relationship between language and cognition.

Offered in these study programs: Obligatory-optional in Master program in Cognitive Science

Recommendations: none

Revízia z 17:30, 24. august 2008; Petrovic (Diskusia | príspevky)

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