Introduction to Robotics 2-IKVa-138/18

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Názov a kód predmetu: Introduction to Robotics (2-IKVa-138/18)
Prerekvizity: Python, numpy
Vyučuje sa/odporúčaný ročník: summer semester / 1
Forma a # hodín/týždeň: L - lecture (1), S - seminar (2)
Kredity: 5
Hodnotenie (semester/skúška): 50/50
Webstránka predmetu:
Informačný list: Informačný list 2-IKVa-138/18 (fakultná služba)
Vyučujúci: RNDr. Andrej Lúčny, PhD.
Domovská stránka:

Popis predmetu:

robots, congnitivism, postcognitivism

Je časťou študijného programu: Volatile in Magisterskom programe Kognitívna veda

Odporúčania: -

Warning: Display title "Introduction to Philosophy of Mind <small>2-IKV-114</small>" overrides earlier display title "Introduction to Robotics <small>2-IKVa-138/18</small>".

Introduction to Philosophy of Mind 2-IKV-114

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Course name and code: Introduction to Philosophy of Mind (2-IKV-114)
Prerequisite courses: none
Available in/recommended study year: Summer semester / 1
Form and # of hours/week: L - lecture (2), S - seminar (1)
Credits: 5
Evaluation (semester/exam): 0/100
Course webpage: Course:Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
Information sheet: 2-IKV-114 information sheet
Teacher(s): prof. PhDr. Silvia Gáliková, CSc.

Short description:

Subject aim is to familiarise students with the main philosophical conceptions and approaches to the problems of the mind/body relation.

Offered in these study programs: Obligatory in Master program in Cognitive Science

Recommendations: none

Revízia z 21:23, 11. február 2021; Lucny (Diskusia | príspevky)

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