Virtuálna a Rozšírená realita 2-AIN-223/15

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Ľudia podieľajúci sa na výučbe

Zuzana Berger Haladová
Lukas Gajdosech

Hodnotenie a podmienky absolvovania

40/60 projekt/prednášky z oboch treba získať min 50% Výsledná známka sa určí z celkového bodového zisku podľa nasledovnej tabuľky.

Bodový zisk Známka
〈90, 100〉 A
〈80, 90) B
〈70, 80) C
〈60, 70) D
〈50, 60) E
〈0, 50) FX


Kniha Spatial AR Bimber-Raskar

Organizácia výučby


Lecture program:

  • 23.09. Introduction (Zuzana Berger Haladova, Martin Madaras) and invited lecture Andrej Vidak


24.09. Introduction

Labs introduction - Slides
Overview of Unity3D interface, Assets - Asset package for Labs
Deadline 13.10.2020
Fill out project specification template and submit to
Deadline 17.12.2020
Present application demo during labs. Your project should have some of the core mechanics implemented.
Deadline 31.1.2021
Final application submission. Reviewed and rated during the next week - individual presentations.

1.10. Animations

Prefab variants, more scripts, and animations.

8.10. Physics and Drill

Rigid bodies, colliders and individual assignments.

15.10. Building for Android and VR

Automatic Build and Run process requires several permissions from your device:
  1. Enabled Developer mode - How to unlock developer options on Android
  2. Enabled USB debugging
  3. Enabled Install via USB
Use Google Cardboard XR Plugin for Unity for VR.

22.10. Creating AR Applications with Vuforia

Vuforia enables easy AR application creation for Android and iOS.
Follow installation and use instructions available here.

03.12. Practical assignment

Create a minigame Bug Smack from assignment document