Riadok 137: Riadok 137:
'''ANNOUNCEMENT 04.10.2023:'''
'''ANNOUNCEMENT 04.10.2023:'''
''Unfortunately, I got infected with some nasty respiratory disease. Therefore, I am unable to come to school tomorrow and we will conduct the Labs (Week 2, 05.10) ONLINE using MS Teams. Thank you for understanding.''
''Unfortunately, I got infected with some nasty respiratory disease. Therefore, I am unable to come to school tomorrow and we will conduct the Labs (Week 2, 05.10) [https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aQukw6M-mAZgXtzPRC5ym2zJI2-vyQ5r-m4YaPGQHVzs1%40thread.tacv2/1696438637534?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ce31478d-6e7a-4ce7-8670-a5b9d51884f9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2284c6d7a6-7722-4fe4-8e1b-0989d01277e3%22%7d ONLINE using MS Teams]. Thank you for understanding.''
=== Deadlines ===
=== Deadlines ===
Riadok 159: Riadok 159:
'''ANNOUNCEMENT 04.10.2023:'''
'''ANNOUNCEMENT 04.10.2023:'''
''Unfortunately, I got infected with some nasty respiratory disease. Therefore, I am unable to come to school tomorrow and we will conduct the Labs (Week 2, 05.10) ONLINE using MS Teams. Thank you for understanding.''
''Unfortunately, I got infected with some nasty respiratory disease. Therefore, I am unable to come to school tomorrow and we will conduct the Labs (Week 2, 05.10) [https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aQukw6M-mAZgXtzPRC5ym2zJI2-vyQ5r-m4YaPGQHVzs1%40thread.tacv2/1696438637534?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ce31478d-6e7a-4ce7-8670-a5b9d51884f9%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2284c6d7a6-7722-4fe4-8e1b-0989d01277e3%22%7d ONLINE using MS Teams]. Thank you for understanding.''
* [https://liveuniba-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/gajdosech2_uniba_sk/EfYx79pNot5Frw-e6pmnjV8BRLAKYD-CQTUe66PNvsNt9A?e=QxCeEh slides]  
* [https://liveuniba-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/gajdosech2_uniba_sk/EfYx79pNot5Frw-e6pmnjV8BRLAKYD-CQTUe66PNvsNt9A?e=QxCeEh slides]  

Verzia zo dňa a času 18:59, 4. október 2023

Virtuálna a Rozšírená realita 2-AIN-223/15

Toto je stránka k predmetu Virtuálna a rozšírená realita Informačný list predmetu >

Ľudia podieľajúci sa na výučbe

Zuzana Berger Haladová
Martin Madaras
Lukáš Gajdošech

Hodnotenie a podmienky absolvovania

40/60 projekt/prednášky z oboch treba získať min 50% Výsledná známka sa určí z celkového bodového zisku podľa nasledovnej tabuľky.

Bodový zisk Známka
〈90, 100〉 A
〈80, 90) B
〈70, 80) C
〈60, 70) D
〈50, 60) E
〈0, 50) FX


Kniha Spatial AR Bimber-Raskar

Organizácia výučby


  • 18.9. Introduction (Zuzana Berger Haladova, Martin Madaras) slides
  • 25.9. History of VR slides
  • 2.10. Authoring slides
  • 9.10. Hardware + Accessibility slides


  • 30.10. Lecture canceled


  • 11.12. Final exam


Rating Table

ANNOUNCEMENT 04.10.2023: Unfortunately, I got infected with some nasty respiratory disease. Therefore, I am unable to come to school tomorrow and we will conduct the Labs (Week 2, 05.10) ONLINE using MS Teams. Thank you for understanding.


  • Sunday 15.10. 23:59 - filled-out document with project specification (groups of 2-3 people)
  • Sunday 19.11. 23:59 - demo version of the project with basic functionality "vertical slice"
  • Exam Period - submission and presentation of the final version of the project

21.09. - Week 0

  • THERE WILL BE NO LABS, this week you will familiarize yourself with the Unity environment by independently developing the project https://learn.unity.com/project/roll-a-ball. If you send me your implementation until Sunday 24.09.2021 23:59 with author's signature (any custom functionality - be creative!), you will get a bonus 0.5 points to start-off the semester.
  • Standard face-to-face labs on Thursdays at 16:30 (according to the schedule) starts in the second week of the semester.
  • We will be using Unity 2022.3.9f1

28.09. - Week 1

  • slides
  • introduction, overview of terms and content of labs
  • semestral project proposal document
  • overview of project topics from previous years
  • creation of a new Hello Cardboard project using the Google Cardboard XR Plugin.

05.10. - Week 2

ANNOUNCEMENT 04.10.2023: Unfortunately, I got infected with some nasty respiratory disease. Therefore, I am unable to come to school tomorrow and we will conduct the Labs (Week 2, 05.10) ONLINE using MS Teams. Thank you for understanding.

  • slides
  • example of arUco markers in OpenCV
  • AR project with Vuforia plugin in Unity
  • prefabs, materials, textures, raycasting and inheritance in Unity
  • video of expected result (to be continued next week)