Current Trends in Cognitive Psychology, Summer 2018
Thema Presentation Date Materials
Introduction 19. 3.
Methodoly 26. 3.
Project Brainstorming 5. 3.
Special presentation 'Department of Culturology, Faculty of Arts, CU 12. 3.
From Ethology to Psychology (1) Are bigger brains better? 19. 3.
From Ethology to Psychology (2) 26. 3.
Thinking Slow & Fast 9. 4.
Intelligence and Decission making 16. 4.
Cognitive Illusions 23. 4.
Affective and Cognitive Empathy Alternative Date
The (new) Executive Brain 7. 5.
Concluding Coloquium 14. 5.

'Ongoing Evaluation


Revízia z 12:11, 19. február 2018; Gal (Diskusia | príspevky)

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